Navigating the HR Tech Landscape: A Comprehensive Guide to Building Your HR Technology Roadmap

In the ever-evolving world of HR technology, organisations often find themselves at a crossroads, trying to navigate the complex terrain of HR tech. That's where we, Tomorrow's People, come in! As New Zealand’s leading specialist HR Technology consultancy, we're all about helping you seamlessly navigate this complex world.

What is an HR Technology Roadmap?

An HR technology roadmap is your GPS for navigating this complex world. It's a strategic document that outlines the HR technology initiatives an organisation plans over time to increase operational efficiency, and how these align with the organisation's overall goals and objectives.

But it's not just about the tech itself. It's also about the data processes and operating model needed to fully exploit the capabilities you're implementing. It's about planning how you'll use tech to achieve your HR vision and people strategy. It's about ensuring that your HR tech investments deliver the maximum return and support your business goals.

Building Your HR Technology Roadmap

Building an HR technology roadmap can seem daunting, but it's totally doable. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

1. Understand Your Current State: Start by conducting an audit of your current HR tech and the costs associated with each application. This involves documenting all the HR systems currently in use, their functionality, their users, and their costs. For example, you might have an applicant tracking system (ATS) for recruitment, a separate system for performance management, and another for payroll. Documenting these systems, their costs, and their users will give you a clear picture of what you have and what you're spending on it.

2. Identify Your HR Objectives: Next, identify your HR objectives. Are you looking to optimise costs, enhance functionality, or improve employee experience? Maybe all of the above? For instance, your objectives might include improving the employee experience, streamlining HR processes, or enhancing data cleanliness. Your objectives will guide your HR technology roadmap, so it's important to be clear about what you want to achieve.

3. Build a Preliminary Business Case: Once you've identified your objectives, build a preliminary business case to identify cost savings and improvement opportunities. This involves analysing the potential return on investment (ROI) of different HR tech initiatives. For example, implementing a new HRIS might involve upfront costs, but the improved efficiency and data accuracy could lead to significant cost savings in the long run. It's also a good idea to consider the potential risks and how to mitigate them.

4. Keep an Eye on the HR Technology Landscape: Stay up-to-date with the latest HR tech trends and innovations. For example, AI and machine learning are becoming increasingly prevalent in HR tech, offering opportunities for improved efficiency and personalised employee experiences. Understanding these trends and how they could impact your HR tech roadmap is crucial.

5. Design Your Solutions: Once you've got a clear understanding of your current state, your objectives, and the HR tech landscape, it's time to design your solutions. This is where you get to be creative and think about what your employees need. Remember, employees are humans, not robots! So, consider their needs alongside business requirements. For example, you might design a solution that includes mobile access to HR services, recognising that many employees now prefer to access services via their smartphones.

6. Roll Out a Detailed Plan: Once you've got your design, it's time to roll out a detailed plan. This is where you'll set the stage for adopting new HR tech or improving what you've already got. It's best to do this in phases to ensure the company can still function normally while changes are being implemented. Each phase should have clear objectives, timelines, and responsible parties. For example, you might start by implementing a new Core HR, followed by a new performance management system, and so on. Generally, our roadmaps span a two to three year period.

7. Iterate and Repeat: Finally, once your HR transformation is in place, set up periodic reviews to ensure it remains on track and is sustainable. Collect feedback from employees to see if the new HR solutions meet their needs. This will allow you to make adjustments as needed and ensure your HR technology roadmap stays relevant. And remember, it's okay to keep changing and updating your technology. Most modern systems release new functionality constantly and it's key to keep up to date!

How Tomorrow's People Can Help!

Are you looking to improve your organisation's HR systems, processes, and technology setup? Our HR Technology Roadmap package is the perfect solution. Our team of professionals will conduct a comprehensive analysis to identify areas that require improvement and suggest actionable recommendations to help you align your HR infrastructure with your strategic objectives. Our goal is to optimise the employee experience and set your organisation up for success!


Remember, HR transformation is a journey, not a destination. It's all about keeping up with changes in technology and the business landscape. An HR technology roadmap is not just a nice-to-have, but a crucial strategic tool in this journey. It provides a clear vision of where you're going and how you'll get there, helping to ensure that your HR tech investments deliver the maximum return.

Moreover, it helps you manage change effectively. Implementing new HR tech can be disruptive, but with a well-planned roadmap, you can manage this change in a structured and phased manner, minimising disruption and ensuring smooth transitions.

Lastly, an HR technology roadmap helps you stay future-focused. The world of HR tech is constantly evolving, with new trends and technologies emerging all the time. A roadmap helps you stay on top of these changes and ensures that your HR tech strategy remains relevant and forward-thinking.

With a solid HR technology roadmap and Tomorrow's People by your side, you can navigate the complex world of HR tech with confidence, ensuring that your HR technology strategy supports your business goals and enhances the employee experience.

For more info - click here to download our whitepaper “Creating an HR Technology Roadmap”.

Jane Ward

CEO & Founder


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Integrating your people systems to improve data flow and save time